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Oh Mother Nature!

POSTED ON July 16th  - POSTED IN Blog

In the past month, there has been a ton going on at Dream Traxx! During June, we had 3 crews running at one time! We had one crew member holding things down at Bakers’ Factory, while another crew was up in Kentucky at the Unlimited Off Road Expo, and then the boss man, Jason Baker was in Austin, Texas constructing for the X-Games! Man, that was a whirlwind of a few weeks!

After a few days off, Dream Traxx headed up to Georgia to redo a motocross track for an amateur racer! This job was quite fun for us at Dream Traxx. We love creating the private tracks, and even more so love creating for the amateurs. They are definitely the back bone of the sport and it is awesome to see them with so much drive and passion. Once the track was complete, we even brought up the youngest Dream Traxx crew member, Jace, to help test out the track on his new KTM 50. They had a blast.

Now – to the title of this post…..Oh Mother Nature! We flew back up to Kentucky the start of July to do some work at the Dirty Turtle Off Road Park. This was supposed to be a relatively smooth build, creating an off road track for their mega truck series race coming at the end of this month. Things started off great….and then She unleashed her fury! Rain, rain, and more rain. What started as a 1 week build, has now turned into a 2 week build chasing rain and wet dirt, and trying to construct the best course we can. Luckily, the past couple days have been dry, and we hope to bring this course to life by the weekend! So, stay tuned for finished track pictures.

Newcastle MotoX Complex in Australia

POSTED ON February 12th  - POSTED IN Blog

Well, 2014 has been a great start for the Dream Traxx crew. We had an amazing time in Australia, building a brand new facility that will change the face of Australian motocross! Newcastle MotoX Complex has big dreams and visions, and we were pumped that they asked us to be a part. They still have many steps to go before they open their doors to the public, but by the picture below you can tell they are off to a great start! We wish them all the best!

As soon as we landed back stateside, we were off and running to the private compound of Chad Reed. But, then we were reminded of how unpredictable Florida weather can be. With a few days of rain, we had to park the dozers for a bit and let things dry up. As the sun shone again, we got the dozer blades digging in. We had a great week of building, and as you can see below, were spoiled by being able to watch Chad train as we were building. Just as we were putting the finishing touches on the track, Florida’s unpredictability slapped us in the face once again. We received more rain in 15 minutes than we had the whole week prior. So, the finishing touches were going to have to wait a few more days!

Luckily, I had a stress relieving vacation already planned – and it could not have been more needed. It was time for our annual family ski trip, and after the past weeks at Chad’s, it was a great way to get my mind off of the chaos and spend some time with the family. We will be heading back to Florida on Saturday, and will hit the ground running to get all of our top guys tracks ready for east coast. But until then, I will be soaking up every minute of this…..

It’s a family Christmas present! Private track – Georgia

POSTED ON December 16th  - POSTED IN Blog

It’s almost Christmas time!! And we were able to take a break from supercross to build a new motocross track for a family in Georgia! It was a nice change of pace for us, and they were a great family to work for! Check out some before and after pictures below!

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Bring on 2014 Supercross season!

POSTED ON November 8th  - POSTED IN Blog

The 2014 Supercross season is getting closer, which means we have been logging a ton of dozer hours! This is one of our favorite times of the year. All our boys are in full boot camp mode, and have a huge list of goals for the upcoming season. It is cool to see them all have that fighting spirit, and ready to make big things happen!

James and Malcolm Stewart are now able to be in full preparation mode since we just finished up 2 SX tracks for them…game time at the Stewart Compound!!
The dozer seats did not even have time to get cold, and we were back at it over at up and coming Zack Freeberg’s private SX track! Look for big things from him this year!
The whole Dream Traxx crew is looking forward to a much needed weekend off. Then we are packing our bags and jumping on the big bird off to our next track! Stay tuned!

Canard and Villopoto are ready for 2014 SX

POSTED ON October 24th  - POSTED IN Blog

Supercross season is almost upon us! That being said, we have been wide open taking care of all our riders facilities and getting their new tracks ready for training, testing, and continual riding!

Our first stop, was Trey Canard’s facility!

After working on a few other private facilities, our next stop was to Ryan Villopoto’s.

We head over to the Stewart compound bright and early in the morning! So, be sure to check back in to see what we create over there!

October 2012

POSTED ON October 14th  - POSTED IN Blog

Wow….we sure have been gone awhile! Wide open is a definite understatement, and we greatly apologize for the lack of posting! Over the past year, we have been involved in some great projects, and picked up some awesome pro riders! Our current pro rider list includes Ryan Villopoto, Trey Canard, James & Malcolm Stewart, just to name a few! We have also been involved in some great projects with Red Bull and Ronnie Renner, as well as building some awesome private facilities! You can now also add go-kart track builder to our list of ‘can-do’s! We had a great time constructing the layout for Chad Reed’s private go-kart track over the summer, and were pumped to have such a unique opportunity! We have some great things in the work, and can’t wait to share them with you all. Be sure to check out the posts of our latest creation of a great private track we just constructed in High Springs, FL. It turned out to be an awesome track, and we hope you enjoy the pictures. Stay tuned for all of the great things we have to come!!