Red Bull, DHI, and Dream Traxx bring you STRAIGHT RHYTHM
We have had a whirlwind of a few weeks! From the compound of Trey Canard, straight to the “top secret project” (watch the video below), to Ryan Villopoto’s, over to the compound of James Stewart and Malcolm Stewart, then Zack Freeberg, and on to a plane to Texas!
All those weeks went so smooth – there was bound to be a hiccup! And that there was, when I had to book a United flight instead of my typical Delta. I had a feeling something was going to go bad…and that it did. Landed in Houston, went to reboard, and get this “the plane is now overweight, we are taking no more passengers”! Are you kidding me?! In all my years of flying, I have never had this happen. To make matters worse, they took all of our luggage on that flight. With no other flights out until the next day – we had to purchase another airline ticket, ON A DIFFERENT CARRIER, to get to our final destination – Odessa, Texas. Home of Friday Night Lights! We finally arrived, went and got our luggage, and are now halfway through the build. Stay tuned and we will post some finished pictures this weekend.
But, to go along with our rough trip out to Texas – we thought this was fitting….
Bring on 2014 Supercross season!
The 2014 Supercross season is getting closer, which means we have been logging a ton of dozer hours! This is one of our favorite times of the year. All our boys are in full boot camp mode, and have a huge list of goals for the upcoming season. It is cool to see them all have that fighting spirit, and ready to make big things happen!
October 2012
Wow….we sure have been gone awhile! Wide open is a definite understatement, and we greatly apologize for the lack of posting! Over the past year, we have been involved in some great projects, and picked up some awesome pro riders! Our current pro rider list includes Ryan Villopoto, Trey Canard, James & Malcolm Stewart, just to name a few! We have also been involved in some great projects with Red Bull and Ronnie Renner, as well as building some awesome private facilities! You can now also add go-kart track builder to our list of ‘can-do’s! We had a great time constructing the layout for Chad Reed’s private go-kart track over the summer, and were pumped to have such a unique opportunity! We have some great things in the work, and can’t wait to share them with you all. Be sure to check out the posts of our latest creation of a great private track we just constructed in High Springs, FL. It turned out to be an awesome track, and we hope you enjoy the pictures. Stay tuned for all of the great things we have to come!!